self hatred chain

Discussing Dissociation


Practically every dissociative trauma survivor that I have ever spoke to has said to me at some point in time or another, that they have felt hated, truly hated. What’s worse, they didn’t feel hated by strangers — they felt hated by their loved ones. They felt hated by their mothers, their fathers, their siblings, their spouses, their children, their friends. They felt hatred from the very people they cared the most about.

What effect does feeling hated have on someone?

How does this experience change someone’s life?


It’s a natural human response to want to feel liked, loved, cherished, treasured. Children very much want to be the in the spotlight for their parents, the apples of their eyes. They each want to feel special, and to be treated like they are the most important person on earth. This is normal for children. It is part of a…

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About 4ndr0m3dh4

idealis versus realitas... abnormalitas versus normalitas... inferioritas versus superioritas... well, am another Allah's slave wish to be a better muslim

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